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How to Request and Monitor Your Credit Report For Free

Get Your Credit Report Online, by Phone, or by Mail.

Free Credit Report & Monitoring - The Credit Course

Credit reports are detailed financial records compiled by credit bureaus that lenders use to assess consumer risk. In addition, credit reports may be used by employers, insurance companies, and renters. Your report will contain everything from your personal information to your payment history. While credit reports are gospel for financial institutions as far as their lending decisions, they are not always reliable and accurate. It is crucial to stay familiar with your credit report in order to maintain your score and to stay on top of harmful items.



Getting Your Yearly Reports

Each year every American citizen is entitled to one free credit report from the three major reporting bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. You can request each report individually by visiting the reporting agency’s website directly. However, the best way to get your free credit history from all three bureaus is through This is the only authorized website to distribute official reports from credit agencies. Even if your credit is strong it's still recommended to check your history reports each year to ensure there are no errors or harmful reports.

You can request all three reports at once or request one report from a different bureau every four months to keep a constant eye on your history.

  • Website:

  • Request By Phone: 877–322–8228

  • Request By Mail: Annual Credit Report Request Service.

    P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348–5281

VIDEO: Using Annual Credit Report Website

You Can Get Additional Copies of Your Credit Report if…

  • You received a notice that you were denied credit, insurance, or employment or experienced another “adverse action” based on a credit report, you have a right to a free report from the credit reporting company identified in the notice.

  • You believe your file is inaccurate due to fraud.

  • You have requested a credit report from a nationwide credit reporting company in connection with the placing of an initial fraud alert (you may request two free copies for an extended fraud alert).

  • You are unemployed and intend to apply for employment within 60 days from the date of your request.

  • You are a recipient of public welfare assistance.

Due to the 2017 Data breach consumers can recieve up to six free copies of thier Equifax credit report per year until 2027.

Requesting Your Reports by Phone

  • While online requests through often provide faster access to your reports. phone requests are useful in certain situations. Most commonly, credit reports requested by phone are sent via regular mail. Expect delivery within 7-15 business days. Some bureaus may offer the option to receive your report by email or through a secure online portal. Inquire about these options during your call.

    • Equifax

      • Call: 1-866-349-5191

      • Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern Time

      • Automated system available 24/7

    • Experian

      • Call: 1-888-397-3742

      • Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM Central Time

    • TransUnion

      • Call: 1-800-888-4213

      • Automated system available 24/7


Requesting Reports by Mail

While mail requests offer certain advantages, like creating a paper trial, they typically take longer than online or phone requests. Consider your specific needs and whether a report printed online will suffice.

The three major bureaus do not offer direct mail requests but instead will direct you to To request your credit reports by mail, find and fill out the proper request form and mail it to the address below. You may be asked to provide copies of documents are identification.

Annual Credit Report

  • Request Form:

  • Mail To: Annual Credit Report Request Service P.O. Box 105281 Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

However, if neccessary you have the right to request your report once per year directly from the bureau by composing a request letter and mailing it to the apropriate address.

  • Equifax

    • Equifax Information Services

      LLC P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374-0241

  • Experian

    • Experian

      P.O. Box 9701 Allen, TX 75013

  • TransUnion

    • TransUnion LLC Consumer Disclosure Center

      P.O. Box 1000 Chester, PA 19016


How to Monitor Your Credit Report

For beginning the credit repair process you will be requesting history reports from all three credit bureaus. However, this is not typically recommended. Alternatively, after your credit is repaired, you can request a single report from each of the three bureaus every four months. This allows you to monitor your credit for errors and discrepancies year-round. Requesting one report at a time in 4-month intervals is one method for staying on top of your report.

Set up fraud alerts

One effective way to monitor your credit for potential fraud or identity theft is to set up fraud alerts. By requesting a fraud alert from the credit bureaus, you can be notified if someone tries to open credit in your name. These alerts will remain on your credit report for one year and can be renewed as needed.

To set up a fraud alert, simply contact one of the three credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) and request that they place an alert on your credit report. They are required to contact the other two bureaus to do the same. This process is free of charge and can be done online or over the phone.

However, it is important to note that fraud alerts do not prevent someone from opening credit in your name. They simply provide a warning to you if someone tries to do so. If you receive a fraud alert, it is important to review your credit report and take any necessary steps to protect yourself against fraud or identity theft. If you would like to protect your credit by preventing any new accounts from being opened you want to request a credit freeze.


Getting Your Innovis Report

Innovis, often referred to as "the fourth bureau" may contain different information than your other reports. The easiest way to get your Innovis credit report for free is to make an online request through the Innovis website.

Request Innovis Report Online

Fill Out the Online Request Form:

Request Innovis Report by Phone

  • Call: 1-866-712-0021

  • Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm ET.

Request Innovis Report by Mail

  • Fill Out the Mail Request Form

    • Innovis Consumer Assistance

      PO Box 530088, Atlanta, GA 30353-0088.


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